• Abhijeet Dharmapurikar's avatar
    power: pm8921-bms: use shutdown soc if it is within limits · 602dc279
    Abhijeet Dharmapurikar authored
    When a strong battery is removed, it was seen that the battery voltage
    lines on the phone take about five to six seconds to go below 2.1volts
    where the pmic resets all the battery backed registers.
    If a new battery is plugged in within this time the driver will force
    the shutdown soc on this battery which is incorrect.
    Compare the shutdown soc with the calculated soc and if they are
    different than a configurable limit, simply discard the shutdown soc
    and use the calculated soc.
    Change-Id: I02e7c78eb5e9df0127ce7e78b0bd9792a8141039
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAbhijeet Dharmapurikar <adharmap@codeaurora.org>
board-8930-pmic.c 11.2 KB