• Abhijeet Dharmapurikar's avatar
    power: pm8921-bms: charging curve adjustments · d6d66c7d
    Abhijeet Dharmapurikar authored
    It was observed that while charging the reported soc sometimes reaches
    100% before end of charging happens. At other times it does not reach
    100% at end of charge and a abrupt jump to 100% soc happens.
    Fix this by linearly increasing soc based on battery charge current
    after constant voltage phase is reached. Constant voltage phase is
    reached when battery voltage reaches the max value.
    Also once constant voltage phase is reached and the voltage or charge
    current decreases keep reporting the earlier soc. This could be because
    of a transient system load.
    Change-Id: I14c2f42d7897041db038ce85ce1124cf1ef261af
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAbhijeet Dharmapurikar <adharmap@codeaurora.org>
board-8930-pmic.c 11.3 KB