• Mitchel Humpherys's avatar
    gpu: ion: Disallow non-secure allocations from the CP heap · 345f0237
    Mitchel Humpherys authored
    Currently, the CP heap supports non-secure allocations as long as the
    no_nonsecure_alloc flag is not set in the device tree or platform data
    for the heap. Since allowing non-secure allocations from secure heaps
    is actually the exception rather than the rule, remove this flag and
    replace it with a flag that can be set to accomplish the inverse
    (i.e. override the policy of disallowing non-secure allocations from
    secure heaps).
    Change-Id: I1d03991a895c3cf2dea67f79d6af0d4244fb5a75
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMitchel Humpherys <mitchelh@codeaurora.org>
board-8960.c 88.6 KB