• Xiaozhe Shi's avatar
    power: pm8921-charger: resume charging based on SOC · 14e8fa1e
    Xiaozhe Shi authored
    At EOC, the battery is disconnected from the charger and starts
    discharging. This can result in SOC dropping to around 93% before
    charging starts again.
    Manually set the CHG_VBAT_DET threshold high to restart charging once SOC
    drops below keep_charge_percent.
    CRs-Fixed: 404909
    Change-Id: I07577d1aa57bfa4bee40b52c18b5bfcb1cdb7070
    Signed-off-by: default avatarXiaozhe Shi <xiaozhes@codeaurora.org>
board-8930-pmic.c 18 KB