• Raphanus Lo's avatar
    Before this change, kickstart will possiblely be launched at two point: · 39be7dd3
    Raphanus Lo authored
        1. Boot complete, and property service load persist properties from
           file, then start service "kickstart" when set property
           "persist.radio.kickstart" to "on".
        2. Later, the same in group "core", ks_checker first disables
           kickstart, checking the ralated files, and restart kickstart.
    With above procedure, kicstart might be terminated during firmware
    downloaded stage, and it will cause modem booting failed. In this
    change, we don't launch kickstart just after booted and leave it to be
    performed by ks_checker.
    Change-Id: If4d0473da69c0d1cdd05f1b24a66c7caafb25c6e
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphanus Lo <raphanus_lo@asus.com>
kickstart_checker.sh 935 Bytes