... | ... | @@ -233,4 +233,23 @@ onandroid --busybox /system/xbin/busybox |
* Note: This text file should contain the full path, including the file name of busybox binary, and should not contain a linefeed or carriage return or both. Also, it is recommended for app developers to overwrite this file (if it exists), upon each run of the app / Online Nandroid script itself. |
\ No newline at end of file |
* Note: This text file should contain the full path, including the file name of busybox binary, and should not contain a line feed or carriage return or both. Also, it is recommended for app developers to overwrite this file (if it exists), upon each run of the app or Online Nandroid script itself.
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### Compression modes in TWRP:
* TWRP compression is disabled by default, which is also the default in a new installation of TWRP. To enable TWRP compression, two different compression modes are offered.
* Normal compression using busybox's tar:
onandroid -w -ce
onandroid --twrp --compression-enable
* Alternative compression using busybox's gzip:
onandroid -w -cg
onandroid --twrp --compression-gzip
* Note: The normal compression mode does not work with certain busybox versions. [This BusyBox Installer](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jrummy.busybox.installer) is known to work and [this BusyBox Installer](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=stericson.busybox) does not work. Alternative compression mode was provided to overcome this. However, it might take more time for compression than the normal mode. Sometimes, the alternative compression mode is known to produce smaller backups than the normal mode. |
\ No newline at end of file |